Some interesting Michael Jackson stuff you might not have seen.


Love him or hate him… well i mostly hated him. i listened to metal in the 80s, i take no responsibility.

Now that the flood of horseshit seems to be abating, here’s some less horseshitty links.

The Making of Thriller

When we started Thriller, we were all there and Quincy [Jones, producer] walked in. Quincy turned to us and said, “OK guys, we’re here to save the recording industry.” Now that’s a pretty big responsibility – but he meant it.

[guess it worked for a couple decades….]

Account of one of the few successful interviews of MJ

He wore the most enormous mirrored dark glasses and once seated — and this really threw me — picked up a phone and held it to his ear. “Should I wait until he’s through?” I said to Janet. “Oh no, he’s not talking to anybody,” she replied with a smile, “it’s just something he feels comfortable with.” And she giggled a little giggle. And Michael giggled a little giggle. And the brothers slumped back in their chairs, scowling. “Also,” she went on, “any questions for Michael? Could you ask them to me and I’ll get your answer for you.” This was too much. “What, he can’t just answer me himself?” I shot back at her. “Oh he will eventually, he just has to feel comfortable with everything first,” she replied calmly. “But he’s only sitting four feet away,” I pointed out and, regrettably we lapsed into bickering. Meantime, Tito, Randy, Grumpy and Sneezy were all saying, “Hell. What’s wrong with us? We’re here too, you can ask us anything you like!” At this point I suddenly realised we were all talking over and around Michael Jackson as though, well, as though he wasn’t really there at all.

Nice things said by recording engineers

MJ liked hot water while he was singing. I mean really hot !!!!! It got to the point that I would melt plastic spoons to test it.

Bruce and I were talking about walking to the studio everyday in NYC, and what routes we took. Michael looked at us and said we were so lucky to be able to do that. He couldn’t walk down the street without being harassed. It was a sad moment for all of us.

The studio crew got free tickets to the Janet show so we all went right from work one night. About halfway through the show we see this dude with a long beard, dressed in robes dancing in the aisle behind. I mean really dancing . . . it was Mj in disguise. Kind of like the costume Chevy Chase wears in Fletch while roller skating.

Michael Jackson: Erotic Identity Disorder?

Am I seriously suggesting that Michael Jackson was a homosexual autohebephile whose erotic goals included resembling Peter Pan and having sex with pubescent boys? I sure am. If I am right, then somewhere there are images of Peter Pan that Michael Jackson brought to a plastic surgeon.

Footage of the hair burning incident:


his personal games arcade

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