

Seems like i post a lot of stuff on Facebook that i should be putting here. Most of it is that Facebook is easier; besides the smaller number of mouse clicks necessary, using a full-on blog obligates me to put in some kind of editorial comment with the content i’m linking to, at minimum putting a title to the post. Also, more people are reading what i put on Facebook. Maybe. i’ve never told a lot of people this blog was here, though. And in fact, what ends up on the blog now for the most part is stuff that is edgier and slightly more controversial than i would show most of my acquaintances.

Maybe a simpler system like Tumblr would help. Twitter is too far the other way though, i think, and i would need to adjust my habits towards it.

There is some tech available to do automatic WordPress to Facebook posting but i would sooner do Facebook to WordPress.

i would also still like to transfer some of my old blog posts – why can’t i remember the system? oh yes, Movable Type, wonder what’s up with it now? – but i would have to relearn Perl or learn something else to redo the involved scripting necessary to switch the format, or cut-and-paste manually; both options are daunting.

i could always scrap the whole thing, but i still rather like having my own webspace. The photos are still here. i might need to put up a message board again sometime too.

(Reminds me of when my buddy and i started a phpBB about Magic the Gathering. He was running Apache off an old shitbox at his house, it overheated regularly from the traffic and he was having to call his dad to reboot the thing every so often. Eventually he bailed out and brought in some tool who happened to have better hardware to host it, which eventually motivated me to quit the enterprise. i couldn’t afford a thing to help at the time; not a problem now.)

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