Counting cards on The Price is Right
TV’s Crowning Moment of Awesome
“She says, ‘He got it right on the nose.’
” ‘Has that ever happened?’
“And she says, ‘No.’
“I said, ‘Holy shit.’ ”
And then [Drew] Carey remembers what happened next: “Everybody thought someone had cheated. We’d just fired Roger Dobkowitz, and all the fan groups were upset about it. I thought, Fuck, they just fucking fucked us over. Somebody fucked us over. I remember asking, ‘Are we ever going to air this?’ And nobody could see how we could. So I thought the show was never going to air. I thought somebody had cheated us, and I thought the whole show was over. I thought they were going to shut us down, and I thought I was going to be out of a job.”
And just over there, just on the other side of that curtain, was twice-perfect Terry Kniess, still dancing to the music. “I was like, Fuck this guy,” Carey says. “When it came time to announce the winner, I thought, It’s not airing anyway. So fuck him.”