Drumpf as blunt instrument


How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

i am usually loath to comment on specifics of American politics. As a Canadian, i am conscious that i have no standing in the affairs of another country. Mostly though, i wish for a Canada where those affairs don’t matter to us. More than enough politics that directly affect me and my neighbours, on the federal, provincial and municipal levels, to worry about.

Nonetheless, this article is remarkable to me because i think David Wong has the US situation exactly right.

The level of despair that brings people to support a complete, thorough and utter tool like Donald Drumpf is staggering. This despair is certainly not unique to the USA. (Brexit is a similar situation in some ways…)

What are the differences between rural America and rural Newfoundland, really? Lots of things, i guess, but one comes to mind: in Newfoundland, the desperate were still mobile enough to emigrate; mostly to Alberta, but right now Alberta is stagnant. In the long term, climate change may make the petroleum industry obsolete, and a resource-based economy untenable overall, while manufacturing in Canada has been just as dead as in America.

What irrationality awaits us if things get worse?

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