Interviewing yourself
AT: Except that we have different writing styles and different ways of being in the world and I’m massively antisocial and live in a houseboat on a middle-European river and you live in London and you’re basically a soft touch.
NH: I think we’re growing together somewhat now. Although I do wish the houseboat thing was real sometimes.
Donald Glover Interviews Donald Glover
Yeah, so first question, why’d you want to do this?
I guess I don’t love interviews and I asked myself, “Why don’t you like interviews?” And I think part of it is that the questions are usually the same. This way I can get questions I usually don’t get asked.
You don’t think this is contrived?
I don’t think it’s more contrived than any other interview.
[i like to do things in threes, i can’t find a third self interview, i feel like this is something that Kanye would do but i want articles that amuse me, not irritate me; oh well]