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Category Archives: cool stuff

Not me!

(also not me, though i met the guy at a gaming convention in Calgary once)

A quote

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon

On a similar subject

An example of a more advanced civilization than ours: National Public Toilet Map (Australia)

Stuff i like, this year

Cool, if i can make another of these entries at last, i must be getting back into the swing of blogging.

Heavy Economics

On the Efficiency of AC/DC: Bon Scott vs. Brian Johnson (pdf) (via Metafilter)

Tell it like it is, Liz

That’s Liz as in Liz Phair. BRANDY [Age 10]: I am…Brandy…Are you really famous? LIZ PHAIR [Age 27]: I’m moderately famous. I’m somewhere-like, if you picture it as constellations in the sky-you know there’s the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. I’m sort of like that, what is that “W” one? Cassiopeia. […] LAUREN: […]

Wack “picture”

The Zoomquilt You’ll just have to look at it, i can’t really give a descriptive sample.

Saint Fred

15 Reasons Mister Rogers Was the Best Neighbor Ever Amazingly, within 48 hours the car was left in the exact spot where it was taken from, with an apology on the dashboard. It read, “If we’d known it was yours, we never would have taken it.”

Engineering as it should be done

THE FIFTY-NINE-STORY CRISIS What’s an engineer’s worst nightmare? To realize that the supports he designed for a skyscraper like Citicorp Center are flawed–and hurricane season is approaching. So he fixed it.

Elliott Leyton on Virginia Tech School shootings By the way, the 800,000 tutsi and hutu victims of the genocide in Rwanda were killed primarily with knives and machetes. And if you want to kill a lot of people but don’t have a gun, there are many other ways to do it: derail a train, start a fire, drive a […]