How to brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials commonly found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel. Contamination is your enemy. Everything must be clean.
But technology in terms of video-tape machines and so on may make it possible to have a continuous alternative to direct experience, and I mean any alternative. You can have this played back in a slow motion, or do you want it in infra-red, or do you want it this or that. Take your pick, […]
From a famous jazz bassist: Charles Mingus Cat Toilet Training Program The main thing to remember is not to rush or confuse him.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Being infantile and using the Magic 8 Ball to answer emails ???? Did you attach it? Don’t count on it. Are you fucking with me? Just attachment it ass hat.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Definitive Rickey Henderson: The 25 Best Stories of “Rickey Being Rickey.” 6) This one happened in Seattle. Rickey struck out and as the next batter was walking past him, he heard Henderson say, “Don’t worry, Rickey, you’re still the best.”
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Design Altruism Project: POSTprofessional A number of years ago, long after I’d left the Scouts, I penned a self-righteous screed criticizing the inherent myths of expertism. I must confess, at the time I was not armed with the most credible objections, and at least one of my grad-school mentors had trouble accepting the apparent irrationality […]
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Let’s see. Big Bang Theory, pure rubbish sitcom television but i can’t stop watching it. Kaley Cuoco’s performance is very subtle – lots of little looks and silences to make us suspect what she’s thinking of her new nerd friends, to contrast with the ebullience of said nerds – not just an ingenue but an […]
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Daily Kos: State of the Nation ” […] Then something happened. Nixon played to it of course but it really came into play in the 1990’s and even more this past decade. Republicans turned their backs on smart people. Just like that, being smart was less important than being ‘real’. Being qualified was about being […]
GIN, TELEVISION, AND COGNITIVE SURPLUS: A Talk By Clay Shirky […] People asking, “Where do they find the time?” when they’re looking at things like Wikipedia don’t understand how tiny that entire project is, as a carve-out of the cognitive surplus that’s finally being dragged into what Tim O’Reilly calls an architecture of participation. Now, […]