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Category Archives: my so called life

New manifesto

On my temple in Delphi there are two words written: Know Thyself. It’s good advice. Know yourself. You are worth knowing. Examine your life. The unexamined life is not worth living. Be aware that other people have equal significance. Give them the space to make their own choices, and let their choices count as you […]

a reason for not doing a Ph.D.

The Career Move That Dare Not Speak Its Name Imagine if we all just stopped believing that the only way to be an academic is to be constantly employed by a university. There—wouldn’t that make people’s lives a lot better? Let’s just do that. [Editorial note: Josh Parsons died on April 11, 2017.]


I Hate New Year’s Day, Antonio Gramsci, January 1, 1916 That’s why I hate New Year’s. I want every morning to be a new year’s for me. Every day I want to reckon with myself, and every day I want to renew myself. No day set aside for rest. I choose my pauses myself, when […]

Continuing the recovery

of this blog, i spent a couple of hours manually adding categories to old posts. Boy, i must have been bored. Still lots of stuff broken, links often break on the internet. Also, i missed the blog’s 10th anniversary. ¯\_(?)_/¯

“Canada Bread did not comment.”

Loblaw admits to bread price-fixing scheme spanning more than 14 years And Loblaw says it will start offering $25 gift cards on Jan. 8 to customers who declare they bought certain (as yet unnamed) breads at some of its (as yet unnamed) chains before March 1, 2015 – a gesture that the company says could […]

Terrible photography returns to the Internet

i’ve got my photos back online, and this time they’re accessible within WordPress, where before i used a subdomain and separate software (tried a few, didn’t much like any of them). In a few minutes will work, or you can hit the link at the top menu right now. Learning lots lately.

Dan Harmon on depression

Girl Asks Rick And Morty’s Co-Author How To Cope With Depression, Does Not Expect His Response Dark thoughts will echo off the walls of your skull, they will distort and magnify. When you open your mouth (or an anonymous journal or blog or sketchpad), these thoughts go out. They’ll be back but you gotta get […]

Back from the garbage

Lessons learned: Digitalocean or another cloud hosting service is the way to go, unless you don’t want to learn how servers work, in which case you’ll get ripped off. Following from the above, you can’t know for sure you’re safe enough from hacking, unless you have backend control.  If you don’t, again, you’ll get ripped […]

And that is the end of me clearing the draft post backlog.

Almost didn’t renew hosting this time, but it seems i can justify it for self-employment purposes (and it qualifies for the Great Canadian Writeoff). So i had a bunch of draft posts that i wasn’t quite motivated to finish.

Happiness is not so simple

“Positive Attitude” Bullshit: On the dangers of “radical self-love” Radical self-love gurus do not tend to promote or even really engage in discussions on privilege or the disadvantages people are born into; that shit would undermine the cause of “changing yourself, not the system.”