The end of capitalism has begun | Books | The Guardian New forms of ownership, new forms of lending, new legal contracts: a whole business subculture has emerged over the past 10 years, which the media has dubbed the “sharing economy”. Buzzwords such as the “commons” and “peer-production” are thrown around, but few have bothered […]
The ideological roots of Stephen Harper’s vendetta against sociology So what does Harper have against sociology? First, Harper is clearly trumpeting a standard component of neo-liberal ideology: that there are no social phenomena, only individual incidents. […] But there’s yet another reason this ideology is so hostile toward the kind of sociological analysis done by […]
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“Positive Attitude” Bullshit: On the dangers of “radical self-love” Radical self-love gurus do not tend to promote or even really engage in discussions on privilege or the disadvantages people are born into; that shit would undermine the cause of “changing yourself, not the system.”
Friday, February 13, 2015
“Do you think that you’re a pathological liar?”
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Is saving Newcastle a mission impossible? The bins were overflowing. A few passersby suggested that newly arrived Roma people from Slovakia were to blame; others said that was unfair, and pointed out that the city council had lately halved its bin collections, and reduced street cleaning.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
Believing that life is fair might make you a terrible person Confronted with an atrocity they otherwise can’t explain, people become slightly more likely, on average, to believe that the victims must have brought it on themselves.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Tragic Tale Bill Mantlo was a legendary writer for Marvel Comics in the 1970s and 1980s. But today, he inhabits a broken body abandoned by both the health insurance industry and the federal healthcare reform meant to help people like him. This is his story. Probably my most hated comics writer once i got to […]
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Work in the Age of Anxiety => The 40-Year Slump […]In 1974, wages fell by 2.1 percent and median household income shrunk by $1,500. To be sure, it was a year of mild recession, but the nation had experienced five previous downturns during its 25-year run of prosperity without seeing wages come down. What no […]
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
What No One Tells You About Losing Lots of Weight After all that work, it can be a disappointing blow to discover that bodies that have lost 50-plus pounds simply don’t look like bodies that have maintained a steady weight since reaching adulthood. The Fat Trap While researchers have known for decades that the body […]
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