Daily Kos: My Uncomfortable Experience in a Public Mens Room

That’s Liz as in Liz Phair.


BRANDY [Age 10]: I am…Brandy…Are you really famous?
LIZ PHAIR [Age 27]: I’m moderately famous. I’m somewhere-like, if you
picture it as constellations in the sky-you know there’s the Big Dipper
and the Little Dipper. I’m sort of like that, what is that “W” one?


LAUREN: What was the meanest thing you ever did to a Barbie?
LP: [Laughs] I took Ken away. I don’t know, let’s see, I took their
heads off. How did you know I had Barbies? That just goes assumed?
IZZY: To tell you the truth, we’re psychic.


IZZY: Did you meet any actors like, um…Keanu Reeves?
LP: No but my friend did. She said he was an airhead.


DASHA: Can you sing to us?
LP: Let’s see…Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener…



(via reddit)