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Gee, this sounds familiar somehow

‘Belgium? Something that does not exist’ Political fault lines divide nation | The Guardian | Guardian Unlimited

[…] There is not a single national politician or leader (bar King Albert) or a single national political party that straddles the linguistic and cultural north-south divide between Flanders and the southern region of francophone Wallonia.

“I don’t know any federal state where you don’t have national parties. Here the parties are purely local,” says André Sapir, head of the Bruegel think tank in Brussels. “We are a federal state, but we have less and less of a common political framework.”

On a similar subject

An example of a more advanced civilization than ours:

National Public Toilet Map (Australia)

You couldn’t make this stuff up

Daily Kos: My Uncomfortable Experience in a Public Mens Room

Stuff i like, this year

Cool, if i can make another of these entries at last, i must be getting back into the swing of blogging.

Heavy Economics

On the Efficiency of AC/DC: Bon Scott vs. Brian Johnson

(via Metafilter)

After Katrina, pointing fingers

The Loved Ones – Esquire

“Mr. Cobb, how are you doing?” I asked James Cobb, a lawyer in New Orleans, Louisiana.

“It depends on what you mean,” Mr. Cobb answered. “If you mean how am I doing after losing my house and every fucking thing in it, and after being forced to live in a two-bedroom shithole with my wife and two kids and being told how lucky I am to get it, and after being fucked — and I mean absolutely fucked — by my insurance company and by the United States government (and by the way, just so you know, if anybody from New Orleans, Louisiana, tells you that they’re not getting fucked by their insurance company and by the United States government, they’re fucking lying, all right?) . . . if you mean, how am I doing after all that is factored in: Well, I guess the answer is that I’m doing fine. Now, how can I help you?”

Jim Cobb and I had never spoken before. These were the first words he spoke after my initial greeting. I was calling him because he represented — and represents — Sal and Mabel Mangano, the couple who operated St. Rita’s nursing home in St. Bernard Parish, just southeast of New Orleans. They had not evacuated their residents when Hurricane Katrina was making its way to Louisiana — they had not evacuated in the face of what was said to be a mandatory evacuation order — and when the levees failed and St. Bernard was inundated with ten feet of water, thirty-five helpless people died. No: drowned. No: drowned screaming for someone to save them, at least according to the initial press accounts. No: “drowned like rats,” in the words of a prosecutor in the office of Louisiana attorney general Charles Foti, who was charging the Manganos with nearly three dozen counts of negligent homicide. Now they were notorious — icons of abandonment whose mug shots after their arrest personified more than just the prevailing stereotype of unscrupulous nursing-home owners. An entire American city had been left to die, and sixty-five-year-old Sal and sixty-two-year-old Mabel Mangano had somehow become the public faces of a national disgrace.

via Plastic

Kowloon Walled City

area – 0.026 km²

population prior to demolition – 50,000, approx

population density – 1,900,000 / km²

(it’s interesting to note that the city of london has a population density of 4,669 / km² and that hong kong itself a density of 6,206 / km2)

Tell it like it is, Liz

That’s Liz as in Liz Phair.

BRANDY [Age 10]: I am…Brandy…Are you really famous?
LIZ PHAIR [Age 27]: I’m moderately famous. I’m somewhere-like, if you
picture it as constellations in the sky-you know there’s the Big Dipper
and the Little Dipper. I’m sort of like that, what is that “W” one?


LAUREN: What was the meanest thing you ever did to a Barbie?
LP: [Laughs] I took Ken away. I don’t know, let’s see, I took their
heads off. How did you know I had Barbies? That just goes assumed?
IZZY: To tell you the truth, we’re psychic.


IZZY: Did you meet any actors like, um…Keanu Reeves?
LP: No but my friend did. She said he was an airhead.


DASHA: Can you sing to us?
LP: Let’s see…Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer wiener…

Boy in the Bubble – the real story

Bursting the Bubble – Houston Press

In 1978, although he was not quite eight years old, David had realized his life would be lonely, dull and short. His helplessness enraged him. Before he was born, his body had been donated to science.

Is there anyone out there?

Nothing much here to check for, really, but i need some motivation to improve this to a sensible state.  Have a file of the old Movable Type post contents (i exported to an incorrect format before my old MT install bungled itself up, so it’ll have to be converted by hand) to put in one of these days.  I had a decent run going there for a while, you know.  And it’s not like i don’t have stuff to post about.

If you visit and you’re not spammer scum, please leave a comment.